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Mission Statement
The Montana Nursery and Landscape Association (MNLA) serves the public by working with various horticulture trades, state agencies, and others to develop and improve standards which help our members offer quality plant materials and services to the public. We believe that establishing industry standards and educating individuals working in horticulture serves to provide the public with better products and expertise.
The Montana Nursery & Landscape Association (MNLA) does not have an office that is open to the public, though appointments are available upon request by contacting us at 406.755.3079 or
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Non-Native Brown Garden Snail Found on Nursery Stock Shipment
We recently received notice from the Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) that nursery stock in Miles City, MT was found contaminated with the non-native Brown Garden Snail (Helix aspera/Cornu asperum). The contaminated nursery stock was on a shipment from Sester Farms out of Oregon. MDA is currently working with both Sester Farms and the Oregon Department of Agriculture on this issue.
The Brown Garden Snail is currently established along the west coast from California north to British Columbia, Canada, in most southeastern states, and along the east coast north to New Jersey. The snail has established itself as a very troublesome pest of crops and ornamentals, and various states have quarantine restrictions in place for plant material brought in from areas with established Brown Garden Snail populations.
The Montana Department of Agriculture is advising that all shipments that are received from Sester Farms be inspected upon receipt to ensure they are free from this snail. If any Brown Garden Snails are found, please contact Carson Thomas, Nursery and Quarantine Specialist for the Montana Department of Agriculture, at: 406-444-3428,
Brown Garden Snail Identification
The shell is large, globose, rather thin, imperforate or nearly so, moderately glossy, and sculptured with fine wrinkles. The shell may be either yellow or horn-colored with chestnut brown spiral bands interrupted by yellow flecks or streaks.